Become a CTTCM member
Joining CTTCM is about more than just attending church services, it's about becoming part of a vibrant and supportive community that is committed to walking together with you on the journey of faith. As a member, you will have access to a range of activities, events, and programs designed to help you grow in your faith and deepen your connection with God. We believe that everyone has a place in our church family and we welcome you to come and be a part of what we're building.
Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour
The first requirement to becoming a member of CTTCM, is that the person must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal saviour.
Undergo believer’s classes
In becoming a member of CTTCM; every new member must undergo believer’s classes. Note: If a member in good standing relocates from one CTTCM branch to another, their membership status will be transferred to the new branch at their request and with the participation of both the receiving and the former pastor.
Undergoes water baptism
On completion of the believer’s classes, you must undergo water baptism. It is the biblical pattern that those who have received Jesus Christ profess their faith through water baptism.
Note: If an applicant for membership has not been baptised, they may become a member upon such baptism.
In CTTCM, baptism is normally done by full immersion in water
(occasional exceptions are made to accommodate medical or other extenuating circumstances).
If a candidate for membership has been baptised in another Christian denomination or congregation, they need not be re-baptised within CTTCM unless they are personally convicted of the need to do so. The pastor (or someone appointed by the pastor),
will discuss this issue with the applicant.
If a person is baptised and received into membership at the same time, there will normally be one unified baptism/membership ceremony, and the individual will be given both baptism and member certificates.
If the person being received as a member is not also being baptised, the individual will be given a membership certificate, generally in a ceremony in the presence of the receiving congregation.
It is appropriate for the pastor to invite youth members at age 17
into adult membership.
CTTCM members
(Incl youth members) must meet the following responsibilities:
1) Acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord that has been confirmed through water baptism.
2) Actively support of the ministry and the CTTCM branch where they attend as evidenced by attendance, prayer, service and tithes & offering. “Active” in these measurements is subject to mitigating circumstances in the life of the member. For example, an individual who is home-bound for reasons of ill health may hold membership without being consistent in attendance; or an individual who is involved in a travelling ministry or occupation or otherwise not resident in one place may hold membership without being consistent in attendance in a ‘home’ congregation.
3) Behaviour that reflects general agreement with The Statement of Beliefs of Christ the true covenant ministry, avoids divisiveness in any areas of disagreement, and that seeks out pastoral counsel to discuss significant disagreements.
4) Behaviour that reflects support of the leadership of the ministry and of the CTTCM branch in which membership is held.
5) Behaviour that reflects Christian love toward those who fellowship within the CTTCM branch where they attend.
6) Behaviour that offers a Christ-like witness in the community at large.
7) Agreement to abide by the CTTCM policies and procedures concerning church discipline as set forth.